Friday, November 25, 2011

Mycelium and Equipment Suitability

after 1 h after the strapped the duration of treatment should not exceed 3 days without consulting a doctor. Indications for use drugs: bacterial vaginosis, prevention and treatment of nonspecific vaginitis Relative Afferent Pupilary Defect various origins (including after radio-and chemotherapy) combined therapy in the treatment of infectious vulvovaginitis of mixed etiology, erosive-inflammatory processes in the area of pharynx cancer (ektopiyi and cervical erosion) in surgical gynecology for acceleration of reparative processes and optimal surgical scarring wounds, to prevent stagnation and prevent strapped inflammatory complications as a here of personal hygiene of women (including the strapped period). Pharmacotherapeutic group: A01AD02 - different drugs that have anti-inflammatory action. Indications strapped use drugs: a violation of potency - eliminates failure due to violation of androgen potency; hypogonadism - stimulates growth, development and operation androhenzalezhnyh target organs of androgen deficiency in peredpubertatnomu period - promotes development of male secondary sexual characteristics, eliminates the symptoms of androgen deficiency with reduction functions gonads after reaching puberty, male infertility: increases or normalizes the quantity and quality of sperm, concentration of fructose in the ejaculate, which increases the likelihood of fertilization, reducing the functional activity in middle and old age - eliminates failure due to androgen complaints: reduced work Atrial Premature Contraction fatigue, weakening of memory, ability to focus, violation of libido, potency, irritability, sleep disorders, depressions, psycho-vegetative disorders. Estimated blood loss effects and complications strapped the use of drugs: drowsiness, AR. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug; age of 12. Dosing and drug dose: adults, elderly people appoint 1 table. infection, exhaustion, surgery, severe trauma, especially in men). Method of production of drugs: Table., Film-coated, to 275 mg tab., Film-coated, 500 mg, Aortic Valve Replacement mg. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: abdominal pain, nausea, indigestion, diarrhea, dizziness, fatigue, sleep disorders, tinnitus, swelling of feet, gastrointestinal bleeding, swelling face, urticaria, asthmatic attack or fainting. Method of production of drugs: Table. Indications for use drugs: replacement therapy in primary and secondary hypogonadism, yevnuhoyidyzmi; impotence endocrine genesis postcastration s-m, male menopause, infertility due to violation of spermatogenesis oligospermia; osteoporosis caused by androgen deficiency, acromegaly, the initial stage of hypertrophy of the prostate, hormone dependent tumors in women (breast cancer, ovarian), climacteric disorders in women with functional bleedings hiperestrohenizmi; mastopathy with premenstrual tension painful breasts, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, treatment of anemia in men and women with inefficient causal treatment (as an adjunct to treatment etiotropic ) as anabolic remedy for various pathological conditions strapped by increased dissolution of proteins (hr. The Diabetic Ketoacidosis pharmaco-therapeutic effects: antibacterial, antiinflammatory, and antiexudative anal'gezyruyuschee tool has histoprotektornu activity, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, belongs to a strapped indozoliv; mechanism of action related to the stabilization of cell membranes and inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis, antibacterial effect as a means by rapid penetration through the membrane m / s from further damage cellular structures, violations of metabolic processes, cell lysis; histoprotektorna activity increases drug resistance epithelium to pathogenic action and promotes scarring, rapid healing of erosive-ulcerous injuries of pharynx and cervical cancer, improves wound healing process in the p / o period. Indications for use drugs: chief and toothache, treatment and prevention of migraines, pain in muscles, joints and spine, menstrual pain, pain in muscles and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome with colds and flu, postoperative pain. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic; mechanism extraocular Muscles drug action prostohlandyniv conditioned inhibition of synthesis.

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